EE.UU siempre pensando en la ficción
El programa se llama FAST(Future Attribute Screening Technology) y se basa en detectar en un individuo rasgos que permitan sospechar una conducta criminal en el futuro inmediato. Una de las aplicaciones de la herramienta se daría, por ejemplo, en los aeropuertos donde podría instalarse junto a los detectores que controlan a los viajeros. EPIC ya ha manifestado su preocupación por el alcance que puede tener el empleo del citado sistema.
La documentación oficial habla de un ensayo restringido entre empleados del propio Gobierno. El programa se halla en un estadio muy preliminar y la Administración no tiene planes de implantación del mismo. FAST detecta, entre otros datos, movimientos corporales, cambios de voz y prosodia (alteraciones en la entonación), movimientos de los ojos, alteraciones de temperatura corporal y de la respiración y situaciones de estrés. Estos datos se combinan con otros como la profesión del sujeto, su edad o sexo.
FAST tendría una versión móvil para ser usada en concentraciones como un acontecimiento deportivo o congresos.
En mi opinión este programa solo sirve para reemplazar los puestos de trabajo de los guardias de seguridad del aeropuerto, si este sistema llega a ponerse en marcha la cantidad de pérdidas de empleos será muy importante.
If you've seen the film Minority Report starring Tom Cruise, where the actor works on safety department that specializes in stopping a criminal before the crime is done using a futuristic technology. You will have thought that such a system to anticipate and make preventive arrests homicide exists only in those science fiction movies, but in the U.S. have created a system that recognizes foreign or suspicious behavior.
U.S. always thinking about fiction
The program is called FAST (Future Attribute Screening Technology) and is based on features detected in an individual to suspect criminal conduct in the immediate future. One application of the tool would, for example, at airports where it could be installed with detectors that control the passengers. EPIC has expressed concern at the extent you can have the use of that system.
Official documentation speaks of a restricted test among employees of the government itself. The program is in a very preliminary stage and the Administration has no plans to implement it. FAST detects, among other data, body movements, changes in voice and prosody (intonation abnormalities), eye movements, changes in body temperature and breathing and stress. These data are combined with others as the subject's profession, age or sex.
FAST have a mobile version to be used in concentrations as a sporting event or conference.
In my opinion this program only serves to replace the jobs of airport security guards, if this system gets into motion the number of job losses will be very important.
The program is called FAST (Future Attribute Screening Technology) and is based on features detected in an individual to suspect criminal conduct in the immediate future. One application of the tool would, for example, at airports where it could be installed with detectors that control the passengers. EPIC has expressed concern at the extent you can have the use of that system.
Official documentation speaks of a restricted test among employees of the government itself. The program is in a very preliminary stage and the Administration has no plans to implement it. FAST detects, among other data, body movements, changes in voice and prosody (intonation abnormalities), eye movements, changes in body temperature and breathing and stress. These data are combined with others as the subject's profession, age or sex.
FAST have a mobile version to be used in concentrations as a sporting event or conference.
In my opinion this program only serves to replace the jobs of airport security guards, if this system gets into motion the number of job losses will be very important.